Hospital of Dovenby of the Foundation of Sir Thomas Lamplugh
Registered charity No. 257436
Founded by indenture by Sir Thomas Lamplugh 7th October 1628. Registered as a charity by a scheme [now with reference 257436] dated 19th June 1946
The endowment is now represented by 432 Income shares in the Charities Official Investment Fund (COIF) – managed by CCLA Investment Management; it generates some 32p per share per year, i.e. of the order of £150, paid gross (no tax involved). The Trustees are
The Vicar of Bridekirk (ex-officio), one representative each from Town/Parish Councils of Bridekirk, Broughton, Broughton Moor, Papcastle, Camerton and Cockermouth.
The representative Trustees are appointed for a term of FOUR years; this is best taken to be from the date when they sign the declaration of acceptance (and are NOT subject to annual nomination).
A quorum is THREE trustees.
The objective is to apply the income in such way or ways as the Trustees think fit for the benefit of NOT MORE than SIX AGED, HONEST, and RELIGIOUS POOR persons of the Ancient Parish of Bridekirk, to be selected by the Trustees.