Cockermouth and Papcastle Recreational Charity
Registered Charity No. 1040902
This charity was re-established in 1994, replacing an earlier defunct body. In 1923, the then trustees sold the Drill Hall and the proceeds were invested but nothing done with the income.
In 1994 the new body was appointed comprising
4 persons nominated by Cockermouth Town Council
2 persons nominated by Papcastle Parish Council
2 co-opted (usually one each from Cockermouth and Papcastle).
The objectives of the Charity are to facilitate the provision for recreation or other leisure-time occupation for the benefit of the inhabitants of the area of benefit so as to improve the conditions of life for them.
It has about £3000 income per year. making grants as far as it able to. The maximum grant is not likely to exceed £500.
Up to April 2015, the charity had awarded 193 grants totalling £62,024, over 45 organisations and 4 individuals had been helped.
A reasonable proportion of these awards had been made to Papcastle organisations – to the Village Hall and to the groups who use it for activities.
Meetings are held twice a year. Applications should be made on a form, obtainable from the Secretary, to be considered at these meetings as below:
Meeting | Application deadline |
late October | 30th September |
late April | 31st March |
Contact: Secretary Sheila Brown, Town Hall, Cockermouth. Tel: 821869